Bluepoint Bakery donates thousands of baked goods every year to
Project Angel Heart
as part of its ongoing, philanthropic partnership. Project Angel Heart is a local non-profit that home-delivers nutritious meals to improve quality of life, at no cost, for those coping with life-threatening illnesses in metro Denver, Boulder and Colorado Springs.
Each month, Bluepoint Bakery donates birthday cakes to Project Angel Heart's clients like Mary, age 67, living with ovarian cancer. "I was so surprised and delighted when you sent me the delicious birthday cake," Mary said.
Bluepoint Bakery also prepares and donates all of the fresh baked pies for Project Angel Heart's annual fundraiser,
Pie in the Sky. Since 2009, this donation has yielded more than $1 million in revenue to fund Project Angel Heart's home-delivered meals program. Learn more about Pie in the Sky
here. For additional information about Project Angel Heart visit
*We were awarded the 2016 Colorado Small Business Philanthropist of the Year.